Bug Out Location Checklist

Bug out locations

By Frank Deegan on Tuesday, 31 March 2015 at 14:24

4/4/20233 min read

When it comes to buying a survival retreat or bug out location, location really is the key. Here are some of the top considerations that you need to keep in mind when looking for the ultimate bug out location.

Distance – If you’re purchasing a piece of property to serve as a bug out location, then you really need to consider how far that property is from your current home. Any property that you can’t make it to on a single tank of gas should really be reconsidered.

If you’re looking for a fulltime survival retreat, distance isn’t really a problem. In fact, I would think the farther you can get away from the major cities, the better off you will be during a major collapse or SHTF situation.

How far is the land from your current location, and would you be able to safely make it there during a crisis situation?

How far is the land from high density population areas?

Water Sources – A good reliable water source is one of the most important considerations when choosing a bug out retreat. From fresh water springs and rivers to underground well water, the need for a clean and renewable water source is the number one factor to consider when looking for survival properties.

What water sources does the land have?

Are they renewable and will they be there year round?

Is the property graded in a way that allows for a pond or cistern to catch rain water?

Concealment – The ability to hide or conceal your location may become necessary during a SHTF Bug Out situation. Having a location that provides adequate resources to conceal your living quarters might be another factor in choosing your location.

How easy would it be for someone to wander on to your land during a bug out situation?

Do the natural features of the land help conceal and shelter you, or are they an obstacle to using the land? This will be a difficult balancing act!

Can you easily secure and defend the land?

Self-sufficiency – Picking a location where you can sustain your lifestyle is another important consideration. From having enough sunlight to maintain a solar system, to picking a location that provides a good amount of firewood to heat your home, the ability to sustain your lifestyle needs to be one of the top concerns on your BOL checklist.

Natural Resource – Another important factor in choosing your property is the area’s natural resources.

How easy is it to grow food on your land?

Does the area support a decent size population of wild animals for hunting?

Can you easily raise livestock on the land?

Cost of Living – Unfortunately, the country is set up in a way that guarantees you never really own your property. From the government seizing homes over zoning issues, to having to pay taxes on a property that you already own free and clear, it seem our government always has its hands in our business. When considering your location, the cost of living needs to be factored into your plan. Property taxes, cost of local goods and your ability to keep up with your payments are all things that must be considered.

Zoning Issues – As we mentioned above, the government at every level has a way of really screwing with your plans. Make sure you thoroughly investigate local zoning ordinances and find out exactly what you can and can’t build, what permits are needed and how much trouble local zoning officials have been to local residents.

Population Density – During a crisis situation, areas with the highest population densities will experience the most crime, the most social unrest, the highest likelihood for epidemics, and the highest death tolls due to lack of resources and sanitation. When choosing a bug out location or survival retreat we suggest staying as far away from high density population areas as possible.

Natural Threats – From tornadoes and hurricanes to earthquakes and droughts, natural weather patterns and environmental threats need to thoroughly researched before deciding on a property. Make sure you know exactly what threats you will be facing and how the local climate will affect your ability to grow food, hunt and obtain resources throughout the year.

Look at the areas historical data to better get an idea what the location might look like in the future. Take into account things like droughts, flash floods, Etc.